Girl, Boss Up & L.E.A.D.

Leaning Into The Pivot - Part IV ~ Consistency

Dayna Marie

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If Clarity is Peace
If Commitment is Key
If Community is Fellowship

Then.... Consistency is Powerful!

Imagine everything that changes when you are Consistent in doing the things that WORK! Consistency can be positively addictive.  It is like a boost of dopamine.  

Consistency is Clarity, it is Commitment it is Community.  Straight line!

And it provide the greatest EVIDENCE!  

Think about what one sale does when you haven't had one in a long long time.  It provides the boost to your belief that it could be done by YOU!! 

Get into the habit of consistency and one thing for sure will happen...MOMENTUM!!! And once you have it, RIDE it all the way to the top!!

Here's to your success Queen!