Girl, Boss Up & L.E.A.D.

Leaning Into The Pivot - Part III ~ Community

Dayna Marie

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Say this with me!  I AM NOT MEANT TO BE ALONE!! (lol)

Seriously though, too often, we try to lift the heaviest load all on our own.  The truth is it is Biblical principal to not do it all by yourself.  Even Jesus had Disciples, Apostles and Prophets to help spread the good word!

In the previous show we touched a bit on the subject of community in relation to accountability.   Accountability inside of a community is a power move!

Think about it.  When you are surrounded by the right people, each focusing on their goals (collective or individual) there is a shift in your posture, your mindset and your belief system!

Sis, you don't have to be an island! YOU are important and the people you are seeking are seeking you!

Let me know your thoughts on this subject! I'm definitely interested in your point of view. 

Oh, here's the link to the Girl, Boss Up & LEAD book!  Ciao for now :)