Girl, Boss Up & L.E.A.D.

Leaning Into The Pivot - Part II ~ Commitment

Dayna Marie

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Okay, Okay, Okay!  Part I ~ CLARITY!!!

If you haven't listened, please go check out that episode.  

In this show, we continue the conversation connecting clarity to commitment.

Can we agree from this moment forward, we will not commit to anyone else until we first commit to ourselves!

Self-commitment looks like:

  • self-love
  • self-discipline
  • creating routine
  • forming new habits

My question is...what changes do you have to make to keep your commitments? What does that mean for you?  Are you celebrating that fact that you stood on business for YOU! and also for others?

Here are some action steps:

1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

  • Break down your big vision into smaller, actionable goals. Set specific deadlines and milestones.  I believe clear goals provide focus and direction, making it easier to stay committed to both short-term and long-term objectives.

2. Create a Daily Routine

  • Develop a consistent daily schedule that includes time for business tasks, personal development, and self-care.  Recently, I started working out AGAIN but this time I started different.  I lay out my workout gear the night before, this helps reinforce commitment by creating structure, reducing decision fatigue, and establishing productive habits.

3. Track Progress and Celebrate Wins

  • Regularly measure your progress toward your goals and celebrate even small accomplishments.  A Win Is A WIN!  When you track your progress, it keeps you accountable, and celebrating wins boosts motivation, making it easier to stay committed.

4. Find Accountability Partners

  • Connect with a mentor, coach, or peer group to share your goals and get regular feedback and support.  Commit to you but YOU have to stay near the fire! Remember, if we could have done this alone before, we wouldn't be trying to figure out why we keep breaking promises to ourselves.  So, external accountability adds a layer of responsibility, helping you stay committed even when motivation wanes.

5. Reflect and Adjust Regularly

  • Schedule time to reflect on your progress, evaluate what’s working, and adjust your plans as needed.  Personally, I like to journal.  Reflecting regularly ensures that you stay aligned with your goals and remain adaptable, which strengthens long-term commitment.